



Jessica Campbell

Hi! It’s nice to meet you!

Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Jessica Campbell, and I want to thank you for being here! I can’t believe it’s been 18 years since my first art camp. It’s my absolute favorite way of teaching art. Currently, I teach online for Hillsborough Virtual K12. I appreciate the flexibility for my family, but I truly enjoy teaching “outside” of the classroom and being my own boss!

Speaking of classrooms, I have taught in many. My first teaching job was in 2002 at Westchase Elementary. That school will always hold a special place in my heart. It is a great school, but I also met my husband there! As a specials teacher, you get bounced around a lot. I have worked at Lowry, Woodbridge, Pinecrest, Carrollwood Day School, Schwarzkopf and McKitrick. Some of those were split positions, but still. A lot of moving around!

As you probably know, teachers in Florida do not get paid very well. I’m from New York, so this was quite shocking to me. I struggled to pay my bills when I was first starting out, and I was always looking for ways to make additional income. I drew portraits, painted murals, and taught private lessons, but the sweet spot for me was when I discovered the world of summer camps. Being a business owner is a lot of work, but it’s also very rewarding, and addicting!

I actually started another business venture in 2016 when I decided to become a brand rep for Rodan + Fields. I was nervous to put myself out there, but I was more afraid of living with the regret of not giving it a try. Plus, my adult acne was getting out of hand and I needed help! This turned out to be another sweet spot for me. I love helping others feel more confident in their skin, hair and lashes. Did I mention it’s also anti-aging? I’m about to turn 47! I also love that I’m now in a position to help others who are looking for ways to made additional income. It’s so nice for me to use my teaching skills in this way. I even created a course on network marketing and would love for you to check it out! (Link below) I find it to be very fulfilling and fun!

Speaking of fun… I’m also an ambassador for the Gasparilla Distance Classic. My sister and I love getting dressed up in silly costumes to run the 15k and the half marathon every year. It’s the highlight of my year because we live far apart and don’t get to see each other much. We are also ambassadors for the Bermuda Triangle Challenge! Another incredible event! Full disclosure: I hate running, but I love running in costume! If you haven’t signed up for Gasparilla yet, use my promo code : JESS2024 to save a few $.

Anyway, that’s me in a nutshell.

I love meeting new people and sharing what I have learned.

Hope to cross paths with you!

Jessica :)

Hard to believe this was me at 37, TEN YEARS AGO! This was an outtake from a family photoshoot. I remember feeling so down about myself. I was trying to cover the acne on my chin, but was surprised by how quickly my skin had aged since becoming a mom.

Here are my personal results after using LashBoost! This stuff is amazing, and I love having longer lashes without an appointment or worrying about them falling off. They’re totally my lashes, just a lot more nourished!

My sister and I are ambassadors for the Gasparilla Distance Classic and the Bermuda Triangle Challenge. Running in costume is the ONLY way I like to run!
