



Jessica Campbell

Hi! It’s nice to meet you!

Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Jessica Campbell, and I want to thank you for being here!

I always say that I was born to be an art teacher. I absolutely love helping kids discover new skills and build their confidence. Right now, I teach full time at Hillsborough Virtual K12, but I have taught in many schools in the Tampa area. My first teaching job was at Westchase Elementary. That school will always hold a special place in my heart. It is a great school, but I also met my husband there! As a specials teacher, you get bounced around a lot. I have taught at Lowry, Woodbridge, Pinecrest, Carrollwood Day School, Schwarzkopf and McKitrick. Some of those were split positions, but still. A lot of moving around!

My absolute favorite way of teaching art is at summer camp and Saturday classes. I love that my students are able to start and finish something without being rushed off to their next class. Plus, I get to choose what we are making! Once in a while, I am asked to teach a birthday or Girl Scout party. If I can fit it into my schedule, I usually say yes. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

On top of teaching, I’m also an ambassador for the Gasparilla Distance Classic. My sister and I love getting dressed up in silly costumes to run the 15k and the half marathon every year. It’s the highlight of my year because we live far apart and don’t get to see each other much. We are also ambassadors for the Bermuda Triangle Challenge! Another incredible event! Full disclosure: I hate running, but I love running in costume!

Hope to meet you soon!

Jessica :)


My sister and I are ambassadors for the Gasparilla Distance Classic and the Bermuda Triangle Challenge. Running in costume is the ONLY way I like to run!